
Everywhere I look, the headlines are of lack. Lack of homes for sale, lack of workers, lack of materials, lack of pet food, lack, lack, lack. Just typing the word lack makes me anxious and I have to stop myself from jumping out of my chair and running to the store to stock up on something. All my needs are met and yet that word still has the power to induce anxiety and instead of feeling grateful for what I have, I worry. The fallout from these feelings can be seen everywhere. In my basement, I still keep a stockpile of food and supplies because of the media accounts of lack. Yet for all my worry, not for one day have I gone without a basic need. All this talk about lack reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from The Power of Positive Thinking:

If you think lack you tend to create a condition of lack. Shift your thought pattern to one of abundance and believe that God is now in the process of giving you the abundance you need.
— Norman Vincent Peale

Realtors everywhere are complaining about the lack of inventory and the intense competition for the handful of homes listed each week. Hundreds of eager buyers tromp through these homes with hunger and desperation in their eyes and then buy into the frenzy with outlandish offers that are so far removed from reality that it almost feels like a game. It's not a game and the money is real. Peal was right, thinking lack creates a condition of lack. I'm seeing buyers look way outside their original price range and zip codes. Buyers who proclaimed to want one style of home abandon their wish list altogether. Their actions are being guided by thinking lack.

It is okay to tweak your must haves, to compromise, even to shift zip codes. It's not okay to do all these things reactively simply because the media or your agent or your well meaning family and friends tell you that you have to get a home before ‘X’ because rates are going up and inventory is low and the sky is falling.

This IS a market like we have never seen before. You WILL face competition. None of these facts is a reason to abandon what you truly want or compromise on the things that are most important.

As we head into another weekend of house hunting, try a different approach. If there aren't any properties that fit your criteria this week, don’t spiral and search every home for sale in Massachusetts and New Hampshire and wallow in self pity. Take the time you would have spent at open houses and focus on your finances. Review your budget, make sure you understand how rising interest rates will impact your purchase. Save and plan so that when the perfect home is listed, you will be ready. A home purchased in a frenzied state of lack will not bring you peace and happiness.

Need help with your home search, or shifting your thought pattern to one of abundance, reach out!


Hot Market, No Realtor Needed?